The Quasar Enigma is a documentary about how Quasars are formed and their effect on star formation. The main film is 50 minutes long and will be followed by the […]
Gravity is the natural phenomenon of a perceived attractive force experienced between bodies of mass. We take it for granted, while it holds us to the Earth, keeps the Moon […]
Music and Astronomy. We will talk about mathematical and psycho-physical foundations of music; what makes it beautiful -- tones, octaves, intervals, consonances, and cords; about types of musical instruments, […]
Dark Sky Weekend _ Northern Star Party - Instructions for attendees and Programme. This event is Sold Out. Waharau Outdoor Education Centre Waharau Regional Park 1748 E Coast Rd, Orere […]
Tony Cooper will be giving a talk/demo on how to build a DIY Motorised Focuser for $25- Reasons for using a motorised focuser - Parts list - Stepper motors - […]
This month we will be discussing astrophotography for beginners. This will include an introduction to the different types of astrophotography, cameras, techniques, equipment and computer software.