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Special General Meeting
11/04/2022 @ 7:45 pm - 8:00 pm
A Special General Meeting of the Auckland Astronomical Society will be held at 7:45 PM on Monday 11th April 2022. The venue will be either online, or at the Stardome Observatory depending on the pandemic conditions. We will advise closer to the time.
Reason for meeting.
Last year the Auckland Observatory and Planetarium Trust Deed was amended to bring it up to date. One of the changes was requested by the Society council. The change involved the method of appointing the two Trustees representing the Society. Previously the Deed stated that the Society President, Treasurer and their successors would be ex officio Trustees of the Auckland Observatory and Planetarium Trust. The Society Council felt that the position of Treasurer was encumbered with a lot of administration work and it shouldn’t be a requirement for the Treasurer to also serve as a AOPTB Trustee. The Deed was therefore amended such that the Society can appoint a second representative Trustee of their choice. The President (and successors) remain as an ex officio Trustee. This requires a method to appoint the second Trustee. Note that the change does not preclude the Treasurer being nominated and elected as a Trustee. Therefore the following addition to rule 12 is proposed:
12 e) In accordance with the Auckland Observatory and Planetarium Trust Deed, two members of the Society shall be appointed to the Trust Board as Society representatives. One of these representative Trustees will be the ex officio appointment of the Society President. The second member will be elected by the membership for the ensuing year. If for any reason the elected representative Trustee is unable to complete their term, the Society Council may appoint a replacement representative to serve as a Trustee until the following Annual General Meeting. Nominations for the position of elected representative Trustee shall be in writing, signed by the member proposed, the member proposing and the member seconding the proposal and shall be deposited at the registered office of the Society at least fourteen days before the AGM. Such nominations shall not preclude proposals being accepted at the meeting to fill the position of elected representative Trustee if no nominations have been received by the due date.
The meeting will be held at Stardome Observatory but it will be possible to join online via Microsoft Teams. The Teams link will be circulated.