Film Night March
March 24 @ 8:00 pm - 9:20 pm
We are running two documentaries this evening.
We look forwards to seeing you there.
Advances is Space Technology
A revolution in space technology is unfolding. New players in the launch industry are radically cutting the cost of access to space and our understanding of the universe is growing exponentially thanks to space-based research. We are viewing 2 parts of a 13-part series examining all things space, from Jupiter to space communication. What are the most recent discoveries, and what technology made them possible? Tonight we are viewing “The Launchers” and “Space Telescopes”
Hiding in Starlight | BBC The Sky at Night
Total solar eclipses, like the one seen recently in North America, allow us to see details of the sun that can’t be seen at any other time. The BBC Team discuss this and more in their latest documentary.